If you operate a food service business or are in a leadership role, the area of food safety should be of prime concern to you for many reasons. Most importantly, the food safety culture you develop early on will establish a sound business strategy that not only promotes the safety of your customers and employees but ensures the long-term viability of your food business. You may have already read our published article on this important topic. The food safety culture should be based on several key elements including training and establishing safety processes that are accomplished as a direct result of consistent, thorough and meaningful skills development programs for all employees on each level of the food handling process.
There is a great amount of information and knowledge that must be shared with employees to consistently serve safe food. Properly developed and executed food safety skills programs should send a strong message to all food handlers that policies ensuring food safety are critical in your operation.
The area of food safety covers many different topics. Not only are there requirements to meet about food storage, food preparation and safe food handling but you need to meet the requirements for providing important consumer information for people who may have food allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients.
Deadly outbreaks of campylobacter, e.coli and salmonella have created a demand for enhanced food safety processes and governments have responded with laws that must be implemented and executed daily. These laws were created to help food businesses prevent food-borne illnesses that could arise when food is improperly handled, cooked/reheated, and stored. Making sense of food laws and trying to figure out the best way to incorporate them into your business can be challenging…yet, you can’t ignore them. Nothing is more damaging to your brand and reputation than breaching food law and being prosecuted or having your food business closed.
Incorporating an effective process to implement the necessary food laws early on in your operation, will reflect a sound business policy that will help to lower your future food safety risks as you continue to grow and expand. As a leader in a food operation with so many responsibilities, it’s difficult to do it all yourself, so investing in outside experts to evaluate your current operation may be just the help you need. Remember that a little money spent on this now can prevent large legal fees down the line.
We work with food service businesses to improve food safety standards and achieve food safety business excellence. We do this through consultancy and mentoring, training, and resources.
We offer ready-made food safety resources which you can download directly and use in your business or we can customise our products to suit any other specific needs you may have.
Because all of our products can be easily downloaded, you can begin to use them right away! Our eBooks are simple, easy-to-read that support you in making a difference. Our step-by-step toolkit in food safety (for restaurants, cafés, caterers, canteens and aged care facilities) along with our food safety tools and resources will help you achieve your food safety goals.
Do you need guidance in setting up a cleaning program? Our fully illustrated eBook for cleaning commercial kitchens will assist cleaning staff in how to clean and maintain kitchens, food preparation and storage areas in your commercial kitchen.
We also offer a Cleaning Toolkit if you need to develop a kitchen cleaning program for your food business that complies with food law.
All of our training manuals and forms require minimal effort and some basic computer skills. Our step-by-step kit will get your business organised and on the right track to better-managing food safety.
The best part of using our food safety resources is that you reap the benefits of working with experienced, industry professionals.
If improving your food safety systems and upskilling and developing your food employees matter to you and you want to explore more about how you can achieve this, then reach out to us at info@thinkstsolutions.com.au. We look forward to supporting you!