The importance of commercial kitchen cleaning

Importance of commercial kitchen cleaning

Published by Andrew Thomson

Andrew is an experienced and trusted food safety consultant, and a highly regarded learning and development advisor. He has advised government agencies in Australia and overseas on food safety matters.


7 April 2024

In hospitality and food service operations, maintaining a spotless kitchen isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about safeguarding your customers’ health and complying with food law requirements.

Why Cleaning Matters
A clean kitchen not only fosters a safe environment for your employees and customers, but it also protects your business from potential food safety hazards and legal repercussions.

The Path to a Cleaner Kitchen
Developing a cleaning program doesn’t have to be a headache but it will require a simple and well-thought-out plan.

A cleaning program is only effective if your employees are onboard and adequately trained so they can foster a culture of cleanliness throughout your establishment.

Choose a Supplier
Ensure that your cleaning supplies are up to par by partnering with a trusted supplier that offers quality products and reliable support to help you meet the required standards. Trusted suppliers can also provide free spray bottles, labels, posters, Safety Data Sheets and swabs as an additional method of checking standards of cleanliness, saving you time and effort.

Train Your Staff
Equip your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to maintain high standards of cleaning consistently. With proper training, your team becomes an integral part of maintaining a clean and safe working environment.

Identify Problem Areas
This requires a keen eye for detail and a systematic approach. Here are some examples for Chefs and Culinary Leaders to follow.

Check Equipment
Inspect all kitchen equipment for signs of buildup, rust, or malfunction that may hinder effective cleaning.

Review Hygiene Hotspots
Focus on areas where food comes into direct contact with food preparation surfaces, such as workbenches as well as high-touch surfaces like coolroom door handles.

Assess Ventilation Systems
Assess ventilation hoods, ductwork, and exhaust fans for grease buildup and ensure they are functioning properly to prevent the accumulation of airborne contaminants. These unkempt areas are a potential fire trap.

Monitor and Verify
Regularly inspect your kitchen to ensure that cleaning procedures are being followed correctly and that cleanliness standards are being met.

Seek Employee Feedback
Encourage kitchen employees to report any areas they find challenging to clean or maintain, as they often have valuable insights based on their daily experiences.

Review Cleaning Logs
Review cleaning logs and records to identify any recurring issues or areas that may require additional attention or a revised cleaning schedule.

Think ST Solutions understands the critical importance of cleanliness in hospitality and food service businesses and has curated a suite of resources to help you streamline your processes and achieve and maintain high standards.

Introducing Think ST Solutions Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Toolkit

Our Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Toolkit has been crafted specifically for commercial kitchens. Here’s what it includes:

  • Cleaning eBook for Managers: Our fully illustrated guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to clean and maintain every corner of your kitchen.
  • Comprehensive Cleaning Procedures: Examples of detailed cleaning procedures ensure that no area is overlooked, covering everything from routine to periodic deep cleaning.
  • Cleaning Checklists: Stay organised and on track with handy checklists and logs that help you monitor your cleaning tasks and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Training Plans: Equip your staff with the knowledge and skills they need to uphold your cleaning standards consistently.

By adopting a proactive approach and regularly assessing the cleanliness of all areas in the kitchen, chefs and culinary leaders can effectively identify problem areas and implement targeted solutions to maintain a hygienic environment.

To obtain a copy of the Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Toolkit visit